The Cincinnati Public Schools DLT exists to support the ILT in the school improvement process as outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement, in alignment with Ohio Department of Education and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), and in the spirit of collaboration.
With the completion of each school’s One Plan that incorporates the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) process, it is vital that ILT collaborate to assure that steps are being made to collect data on how the school is working towards the goals of your plan. The DLT will review information from the ILT to look for patterns in the data, provide feedback and determine how we (DLT) can support the work. The expectation of Teacher Based Teams (TBTs) is that they determine specific strategies they believe will positively impact student growth, work through the PDSA process, and communicate with the ILT monthly so that the ILT can support their work by providing needed resources for their success.
Improvement of any kind rarely occurs in isolation. Research shows that high quality collaboration and shared leadership are key components to a successful organization. We embrace collaborative teams as a means to improving student achievement. Schools should see collaboration as a valuable investment of time in working together to accomplish a common goal.
The DLT looks forward to operating in a posture of transparency and support. Please reach out to Kendra Phelps and/or Amy Randolph with questions.
Download actual letter from the District Leadership Team to Principals and ILT's here
View and download DLT Powerpoint Presentation here