CFT/CFOP and CFT-Retirees are concerned about decisions facing the STRS Ohio Board and the impact their decisions will have on the stability of our retirement fund.
It has come to our attention that the STRS Board members will soon make decisions that may impact:
- the amount of the active teacher contribution to the pension plan (Proposed 3% increase over 3 years)
- elimination of COLA (cost of living allowance) for ALL STRS retirees, including current members.
- increasing the final average over 10 years
We invite active, retired teacher and STRS members to hear first hand what possible action could occur and what the results of STRS decisions will have on teachers and STRS members.
Join us for a forum with representatives from STRS Ohio and STRS Board members to hear the issues that face them as they work to make sure our pension fund remains stable.
MONDAY, MARCH 13, 2017
5:00 P.M.