CFT is a proud partner to the local grassroots group, “The Cincinnati Educational Justice Coalition (CEJC)”. They have been leading community education sessions since 2017 on the impact of local development policies on our schools and neighborhoods. On Saturday, March 7th 11am-1pm at the Clifton Recreation Center CFT members are encouraged to attend this event:
“Speaking Truth to Power: How Schools and Neighborhoods are Being Affected by City Development Policies – City Wide Call to Action and Resource Fair”
All city residents are invited to come and receive important updates on how recent decisions at City Hall will affect their schools and neighborhoods. The event will include critical voices that are often not considered; public school teachers, students and community leaders. The event will also include a Resource Fair for groups to showcase their causes. Groups/organizations can contact by Monday, Feb 24 if they would like to table at the event's Resource Fair. RSVP on Facebook at this link: